research paper introduction example

Research Paper Introduction Example

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why is the Introduction Important?
  3. Elements of an Effective Introduction
  4. Example Introduction
  5. FAQs


An introduction is a crucial part of any research paper. It sets the tone for the entire document and provides a clear overview of the topic being addressed. A well-written introduction captures the reader's attention, presents the research problem, and establishes the significance of the study.

Why is the Introduction Important?

The introduction of an essay serves as a roadmap for the reader. It plays a crucial role in grabbing the reader's attention, setting the tone of the piece, and providing necessary background information. The first impression created by a well-crafted introduction greatly influences the reader's engagement with the rest of the essay.

Here are a few reasons why the introduction holds immense significance:

  • Capturing the reader's interest: The introduction should start with a compelling hook, whether it be an intriguing question, an anecdote, or a thought-provoking statement. By sparking curiosity, the introduction motivates the reader to continue reading.
  • Setting the tone and direction: It is important to establish the overall tone and style of the essay in the introduction. This helps the reader to understand the purpose of the writing and guides their expectations.
  • Providing context and background information: In some cases, an essay might require specific background knowledge to fully grasp the subject matter. The introduction offers an opportunity to provide this necessary context and ensure the reader is equipped with the fundamental knowledge to comprehend the main points being discussed.
  • Formulating a clear thesis statement: A thesis statement is typically included in the introduction. It acts as the main argument or focal point of the essay, summarizing the writer's perspective. The thesis statement informs the reader about the purpose of the essay and guides them through the subsequent sections.
“A well-written introduction can turn a reader into a dedicated follower, and a poorly constructed introduction can discourage even the most dedicated reader.”

In conclusion, the introduction is a vital element of any essay. It sets the stage, captures the reader's attention, and establishes the main focus of the piece. Crafting an engaging and informative introduction increases the chances of effectively conveying ideas and maintaining the reader's interest throughout the entire essay.

Introduction Importance

The introduction serves multiple purposes:

  • It provides background information on the research topic.
  • It engages the reader and creates interest in the study.
  • It establishes the research problem and its significance.
  • It outlines the research objectives and aims.

Elements of an Effective Introduction

The introduction is the gateway to any essay or written work. It serves as the reader's first impression and determines whether they will continue reading. An effective introduction is crucial in grabbing the reader's attention and setting the tone for the rest of the piece. This article will explore the key elements that make an introduction effective.

1. Hook the Reader

The opening sentence of an introduction should be attention-grabbing. It can be a thought-provoking question, a shocking statistic, an anecdote, or a powerful quote. The purpose is to immediately engage the reader and make them curious to continue reading. A strong hook sets the stage for a compelling introduction.

2. Provide Context

After hooking the reader, it is important to provide some background or context for the topic being discussed. This helps the reader understand the subject matter and its relevance. Providing context can include giving a brief overview, historical background, or explaining any key terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to the reader. This ensures that the reader is on the same page as the writer.

3. Present the Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is a concise summary of the main argument or purpose of the essay. It tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the piece. A clear and well-defined thesis statement guides the reader through the essay and provides direction. It should be placed towards the end of the introduction, ideally as the final sentence, to give a smooth transition into the body paragraphs.

4. Outline the Structure

A good introduction often provides a roadmap or an outline of the main points that will be covered in the essay. This helps the reader understand the overall structure of the piece and mentally prepare for the upcoming arguments or analysis. Outlining the structure of the essay in the introduction adds clarity and cohesion to the writing.

5. Keep it Concise

While it is important to provide enough information in the introduction, it should also be kept concise. An introduction should not go into excessive detail or delve too deep into the topic. Instead, it should be a concise preview that captures the reader's attention and prepares them for the main body of the essay.

In conclusion, an effective introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay. By hooking the reader, providing context, presenting a clear thesis statement, outlining the structure, and maintaining conciseness, an introduction becomes a powerful tool in captivating the reader's attention and ensuring a strong start to any piece of writing.

To create a strong introduction, you should include the following elements:

  1. A hook or attention-grabbing statement.
  2. Background information to provide context.
  3. The research problem and its significance.
  4. A clear and concise thesis statement.

Example Introduction

Welcome to this article! In this piece, we will be discussing the importance of a strong introduction in any type of writing. Whether it's an essay, a research paper, or a blog post, the introduction plays a vital role in capturing the readers' attention and setting the tone for the rest of the content.

An introduction serves as a roadmap, guiding the readers through the main points and arguments that will be presented in the subsequent sections. It also serves as a hook to grab their interest and make them eager to delve deeper into the text. A well-crafted introduction should provide a clear thesis statement that summarizes the main purpose of the piece and highlights its relevance.

One effective way to start an introduction is by presenting a thought-provoking question or a startling statistic. This immediately grabs the readers' attention and entices them to keep reading in search of answers or further information. Additionally, using a relevant anecdote or a compelling quote can also create an emotional connection with the readers, making them more engaged in the content.

The introduction should be concise yet informative. It should give the readers a general idea of what to expect while avoiding excessive details or overwhelming them with information. Remember, the goal is to generate curiosity and make the readers want to explore the rest of the essay.

"The first impression is the last impression." This adage perfectly sums up the significance of a well-crafted introduction. It acts as a powerful tool that determines whether the readers will continue reading or move on. Hence, dedicating time and effort to create an attention-grabbing introduction is essential to captivate the audience and make them invested in the content.

To conclude, an introduction is the gateway to a well-written essay. By capturing the readers' attention, providing a clear thesis statement, and maintaining a balance between conciseness and informativeness, it sets the stage for a successful piece of writing. So, next time you start composing an essay or any other type of article, remember the importance of a captivating introduction.

Here is an example of an introduction for a research paper on the effects of social media on mental health:

With the rapid growth of social media platforms, concerns regarding its impact on mental health have arisen. This study aims to investigate the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes. Given the significant number of people using social media and the rising concerns about mental health issues, understanding this connection is crucial. The findings of this research can contribute to developing strategies for promoting healthier social media usage and mental well-being.


Q: How long should an introduction be in a research paper?

A: The length of an introduction can vary depending on the research paper's complexity and the journal's guidelines. However, it is typically recommended to keep it concise and focus on the main points.

Q: Can I use a question as a hook in my introduction?

A: Yes, using a thought-provoking question as a hook is a common strategy to engage readers and generate curiosity about your research topic.

Q: Should I include citations in the introduction?

A: In general, citations are not commonly included in the introduction. Instead, you should focus on presenting the background information and research problem. Citations are more commonly used in the literature review section.